Free Security System Tips

Your security system can become a “set and forget” type system. However things can and do go wrong from time to time. The best way to keep your system in peak condition is to use it often and have it regularly serviced by the professionals!

There are some other simple things that you can do to help avoid some of the common problems that people experience.

5 Free Security Tips

  1. Avoid leaving doors and windows open or ajar. Drafts & wind gusts can disturb the flow of air in your home. In a closed home or business warm air will rise to the ceiling. Your motion sensors are designed to detect the movement of heat. A draft or wind gust can move the warm air and trigger an alarm event!

  2. Turn off your Air Conditioning. Curtains, balloons, plants and decorations can be moved by circulating air. One of the most frequent false alarm events we encounter is wood fires, fans and air conditioning that have been left on while the alarm system is in operation.

  3. Visually inspect your security devices. Broken sensor lenses, spider webs, dust and other obstacles can reduce the effectiveness of your system and even cause annoying false alarms. A visual inspection is a great way discover and remedy these issues.

  4. Remove pets from alarmed areas. Where possible keep your pets out of alarmed rooms. If this isn’t possible a “pet immune” detector may need to be installed. As much as we love your pets, they are another cause high on the false alarm list.

  5. Update your “back to base” records. People come and go from our personal and work lives fairly regularly. Changing your alarm system user codes and updating the monitoring room data is great way to ensure that your security isn’t compromised and our response instructions are in line with your current needs.

We hope these tips are helpful and have you thinking a little bit more about how important it is to have your system running at it’s optimum.